You mean we should use the scientific method — are you nuts? You just gave science as The Prime Example of What People Shouldn’t Trust.
As someone who argues with climate science deniers as a hobby, I take issue with the article’s hasty dismissal of science. If you tell people that “you’re wrong but science is wrong too”, I guarantee these people will come out of it thinking “Aha! Science is wrong — I was right all along!”
The techniques of science, unlike ordinary human nature, allow us to correct mistaken beliefs in the long run by changing our minds through evidence.
As time goes on, the amount of available data and evidence only grows, and the art of science becomes more rigorous. This almost always decreases the probability that a longstanding theory will be overturned and even in those rare cases where a theory is overturned, it will remain largely valid and valuable.
My favorite example is classical Newtonian physics. It was overturned by Relativity and Quantum Physics — but what do we teach every kid in school? Classical Newtonian physics! Why? Because it’s still a very close approximation of the truth, and because it’s much easier for a twelve-year-old to learn than relativity and quantum physics.
Here’s another example from Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile…
When most people argue, they find the weakest version of their opponent’s argument and attack that.
Yes: straw man arguments. And while Taleb has made valuable contributions to society, when you read Nassim Taleb’s latest post, what does he rely upon? Staw man arguments, simplistic yet incoherent arguments, and calling his opponents “intellectual yet idiot”.